Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Write these experiences down!

Holy moly.com up in here!
This week has been so unreal it's gonna blow some minds!!!

First off, I'm gonna start with a experience we had with some kids about my age!  So we're looking for a less active member and we showed up to their house and they had moved out but this really nice lady had moved in!  So we started a good convo and she goes to a great church up the way so she didn't seem to promising.  She pretty much was alright with her church! But while we were talking with her some guy upstairs kept coming out of his house and yelling at us saying things like "you believe leave it at dat" and "yo mama got a religion don't try that
$&&@" so we kinda shared what we could with her and then we were kinda ready to leave the area, but I was hoping we could have some one on one with this guy so I acted like I was on the phone for a few minutes and
he came back out! So we got talking and we asked him what he believes he said "I started my own religion and it's all about you you don't need God all you need is you" we wanted to dig deep! So we started asking questions while yelling back and forth! Then next thing you know his neighbors jumps out for some action! So we're smashing these guys with some great comments and we both know it probably wasn't the best but we were having some fun! So by the end of it we all came to the understanding that there was a God and that he created all this,
after that all them mostly left but the first guy and we asked him if he was willing to act on this faith that he has and he was so ready so we gave him some stuff and set a return appointment! 😏

We had a great lesson with this family on the blessings that have come into our lives as we have changed and become closer to God! As I pondered what everyone was saying I thought of my journal and how important that is for recording these experiences that we are having!  I thought of the times I have looked through it in tough days and realized the happy times and how I was living!  I just know we're gonna have hard times where we want to give up where we may want to sin a little but in those times we can look back and see how much happiness the gospel brings into our lives!!!

We called this less active and were asking him if we could visit.  He said not right now cause they found a dead body in the neighborhood!!!! Are you kidding me!  He was laughing and saying my neighbors lost their minds when they found out about that! This guy is the best!

Also in gospel principles this Sunday, one of the sister missionary's investigators had some purple hair things and the teacher was talking about how we can stay modest and one thing she brings up is that her daughter would dye her hair blue and pink and what not and then she said I'm so glad my daughter grow out of that!! Hahaha this poor
investigator was laughing and probably feeling awful!! Hahah gotta love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks again for all you do for me I feel the love and prayers!!!!
Love you all so much!!

May god bless you!!

Sent from my Liahona

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