Wednesday, October 1, 2014

The weeks turn into years!!

This week has been very exciting! We have been trying to grow our teaching pool, but it's very hard lately! We have been knocking a lot and meeting some great people!

Yesterday we knocked on a girls house she was very excited to get her faith back and she shared with us that just earlier that day that she has been wanting to get back to church! With tears in her eyes she said, "I never answer the door my mom always does!!!!" Anyways she seems really nice and we're excited to meet with her.  We're gonna read the BOM with her on Tuesday!

Okay so as we were walking a street the other day a man stops by us and asks us what faith are we and I reply with much excitement Mormons! He laughed and look at me and asked me if I was wearing magic underwear. That guy thought he was hilarious!!  I should've said rude things but my mouth is so clean now I don't even know any bad

This week we had a zone meeting cause our mission isn't doing so well here's the numbers!  Last year this mission had 100 less missionary's and they were able to baptize almost 600 for the year!! Here is our numbers our goal was 809 and were at 370ish!  So anyways were not gonna get 800 so our new goal is 601ish cause we need to beat last years numbers!! Anyways, the meeting was really great we talked about goal setting and plans so we are gonna be master planers this week!

After zone meeting I took over my area for the day with Elder Bishop!!  He is great and has 14 siblings!! Holy Macaroni!!  Anyways, we had a blast he told me all his crazy story's out in the mission... that kid has had a good one! We were able to teach the BOM study group class on Thursday night that was very interesting! We had fun through!

It's starting to get bit chilly here so mom sent me some of the biggest coats I have ever seen so I look pretty hilarious! Kinda like a midget.!!

I'm getting pretty stoked for General Conference!!  We have been trying to get people to come but you know it's missionary work so it's hard cause nobody likes you!!  But we're having a hot dog grill off before the priesthood session!! !

Some sad stuff happened this week.  Brother Guthrie passed away. :(  We have been trying to get him back to church really sad for his daughter who has been helping him out lately.  On a brighter note, he's probably able
to make it to church now!! ;)

Anyways, I've been loving all the letters lately! Thanks a lot!!

I love you all!!!!

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