Friday, April 8, 2016

What a New Year! (Jan. 11, 2016)

Hey y'all! I'm in a better writing mood this week! So this week has been great!

We are working with a man named Price.  He is great, but has a bad background around here so we're having a harder time with the ward accepting him here! But I love him and know he's on the right path.  He has had a hard time and just barely lost his home to a fire and now is almost living on the streets!  He is really talented - it's just sad to see this!

We got to help this family move out of their house.  It was sad cause they had mold growing on everything so we would carry something out and they would look at the bottom and no joke it would be green and black!  So sick!  We pretty much threw a lot of stuff away! After that we went to our ward mission leaders new office.  He is a drivers Ed teacher and just opened his own place and we got Price to come serve with us and paint it and he had a blast!!

Went on a exchange with the new zone leader his name is Elder Kottcamp and he's from Queen Creek, Arizona! Super nice guy! We went down to his place in basically Charlotte! It was dope!  We got to see some good things happing!

So as of late I'm trying to be more loving  - so one lady didn't want to hear us so as I was walking away I said "I love you Becky" and it felt so good! And then on another occasion we were talking really fast with this girl and I said "Have a New Year"?? Hahah it was pretty funny!  I laughed pretty hard after that!

So while driving home from an appointment with the Stake Patriarch there were school busses going home and one drove by and something hit the window super loud and he said "sorry elders" I need to talk to them and flipped the truck around and chased the bus down and went and laid
into them pretty hard it was great!!!

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