Monday, December 22, 2014

#sharethegift / #missionarystyle

Hey everyone!  Hope you had the chance to read over my last email! I kind of wanted it to be fun to figure it out! Hope none of you got way mad and said rude things about me; if so, I would invite you to repent!

Yay!!!  The days are coming closer to Christmas and I am pumped!! I love Christmas and it seems like everyone is in a better mood then usual!  I'm excited to share with you all some great stories of the  week.

This last week we went to this apartment building (fyi this place has like the most apartment buildings I have ever seen) and we went straight to this one apartment and went to the very top floor and started to knock and make our way down the stairs. We knocked on this one guy's door about half way to the bottom.  He answered and we told him we have a wonderful video to share with him and he invited us in.  We talked for a bit and he had a lot of questions so we told him we couldn't stay and that we would love to come by soon.  He said he would love to and we met with him again and it went great!  Then the next time we met with him his wife wanted to meet us and make cookies and chicken soup for us!!  (I almost thought they were Mormons by the end of the lesson)! This family might just want to learn more about our faith and not join it but, I admire them because they're so nice and really brighten my day! So, I would like to say thank you all for showing love for those who might need it!!

Another day we were knocking doors and we walked up to this guy that was sitting outside.  We asked him how his day was going and he fired back a quick answer that started with "JUST GETTING DRUNK"!  Caught us
both off guard and we then talked for a second and he realized we were not Jehovah's Witnesses! He said "please forgive me I'm not really drunk" I just say that to the Jehovah's witnesses to make them "get".  He
then said he works with a guy and he shared with him a video #heisthegift.  We said "wow, that's sweet" and we were able to teach him a lesson and set up a time to visit him again!

Sad day... our ward mission leader got released yesterday!

Another sweet thing that happened this week was that we had a great zone conference and were able to joke around and see some old buddy's!

Well everyone I love you and I'm so thankful for all the gifts I've gotten and all the letters!! I'm grateful for all of you and hope to see most of you in Christmas!! #weaboutit

It's Christmas time!

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