Wednesday, July 6, 2016
Open Houses for Elder Nelson
Please join us at one of the open houses for Elder Daniel Nelson - either Thursday, July 14 in St. George or Wednesday, July 20 in Lehi, UT. If you want to bring a treat to share, we would love that, too.
Email for more details!
What should my subject be next week?
I listen to the waves when I write these emails... they keeping lasting like the caves our Father created!
Sorry I love sending emails to y'all! Only a few left so forgive me later.
Chris wasn't able to make it to make it to church today and was really sick, but I wanted to share a story about him. When we first met him he had just found out he had hundreds of blood clots land in his lungs and it
was gonna take 6 to 8 months of recovery. Well about 2 months ago we gave him a priesthood blessing and this week he went into the hospital because he wasn't feeling good and they took some look at the lungs and there were no more clots and his lung that had calasped? (I don't know how to spell that) was I full working condition. This is powerful!!!
Brother Wade finally got back to me and said he was cooking and had a plate for us (he is known to be the best cook on the Res) so we went over And he made ribs with Dr Pepper bbq sauce!🤗🤗 so good......
Holly is the best. She told us at work the other day she told a coworker about the church and gave them a Book Of Mormon. She is the best!
This last pday we did some kick boxing down in Charlotte and it was pretty fun!!
Sorry I love sending emails to y'all! Only a few left so forgive me later.
Chris wasn't able to make it to make it to church today and was really sick, but I wanted to share a story about him. When we first met him he had just found out he had hundreds of blood clots land in his lungs and it
was gonna take 6 to 8 months of recovery. Well about 2 months ago we gave him a priesthood blessing and this week he went into the hospital because he wasn't feeling good and they took some look at the lungs and there were no more clots and his lung that had calasped? (I don't know how to spell that) was I full working condition. This is powerful!!!
Brother Wade finally got back to me and said he was cooking and had a plate for us (he is known to be the best cook on the Res) so we went over And he made ribs with Dr Pepper bbq sauce!🤗🤗 so good......
Holly is the best. She told us at work the other day she told a coworker about the church and gave them a Book Of Mormon. She is the best!
This last pday we did some kick boxing down in Charlotte and it was pretty fun!!
Monday, June 27, 2016
It's Me!
Hello outside world🌏 🖖
Well we helped finish Chris's porch with brother Osborn. He is a life saver and Chris made it to church and wants to be baptized on the 9 of next month! We're so excited for him he's gonna be such a Great member
of the ward. His wife is still trying to get work off on Sunday's to come but we have a lesson on Tuesday with them and bishop and his
I went on exchange to Monroe and it was a blast.
We had zone conference with two zones and one had Elder Hatch! He was my favorite companion. We got to joke and share some love. But president talked about a few different things that got me going... We talked about the Atonement and the fall of Adam and Eve and how important both of these are.
We also went into why virtue is so important to always have Christ on our mind.
Well thanks I love all.
Well we helped finish Chris's porch with brother Osborn. He is a life saver and Chris made it to church and wants to be baptized on the 9 of next month! We're so excited for him he's gonna be such a Great member
of the ward. His wife is still trying to get work off on Sunday's to come but we have a lesson on Tuesday with them and bishop and his
I went on exchange to Monroe and it was a blast.
We had zone conference with two zones and one had Elder Hatch! He was my favorite companion. We got to joke and share some love. But president talked about a few different things that got me going... We talked about the Atonement and the fall of Adam and Eve and how important both of these are.
We also went into why virtue is so important to always have Christ on our mind.
Well thanks I love all.
Sunday, June 26, 2016
Just go ahead and feel this pillowcase (June 20, 2016)
My good people of the world I wish to give a shot out to my father the best man around the one who can uplift anyone's day! And who has taught me many lessons through his love inspired correction.
Well nothing to funny happend other then I was inspired to drink some soda and then I had to use the restroom so we stopped at one and come to find out the lady at the cashier position called out "elders" and
we turned around and talked with her. Her mother is a active member of the ward. She had recently lost her home to a fire and was slowly being prepared to move back in with her mother and have the support she needs to be baptized! We are very excited.
Each day we find more joy. I love each one of you more then you can realize! The excitement comes into my heart when I think about each one of you meeting your goals in life with the Savior by your side.
Gilbert blues funeral was this week and around 800 people came. Everytt and I were ushers for it and it was great! But they think they have this traditional thing where they play the dreams and sing Indian stuff but Gilbert asked them not to before he died he just wanted a dedicatory prayer. So the sun was out shining and after they gave the prayer right when he said amen thunder strikes and it starts pouring rain and they try to do all the stuff Gilbert said not to do and it
was epic!!! L
Love you.
Well nothing to funny happend other then I was inspired to drink some soda and then I had to use the restroom so we stopped at one and come to find out the lady at the cashier position called out "elders" and
we turned around and talked with her. Her mother is a active member of the ward. She had recently lost her home to a fire and was slowly being prepared to move back in with her mother and have the support she needs to be baptized! We are very excited.
Each day we find more joy. I love each one of you more then you can realize! The excitement comes into my heart when I think about each one of you meeting your goals in life with the Savior by your side.
Gilbert blues funeral was this week and around 800 people came. Everytt and I were ushers for it and it was great! But they think they have this traditional thing where they play the dreams and sing Indian stuff but Gilbert asked them not to before he died he just wanted a dedicatory prayer. So the sun was out shining and after they gave the prayer right when he said amen thunder strikes and it starts pouring rain and they try to do all the stuff Gilbert said not to do and it
was epic!!! L
Love you.
Hey, it's Elder Nelson! Yo yo! (June 13, 2016)
Well let me get into it!
So this week we had zone meeting and the zone leaders did an outstanding job relying the message president wanted them to!
While we went to go pick the car up in Monroe we did service with those elders at the humanitarian habit place! Then had some Little Caesars. It was a good time so funny!
I posted a photo of a kid and us playing ball and I'm gonna give a shout out to dad for teaching me all the skills so I look like I'm descent at basketball! Hopefully we will see him tonight!
We took Chris on a church tour and he loved the church building and he expressed how he has felt that this is the only true church and that with his study of the Book Of Mormon he has come to know that it is the word of God! He has had issues with smoking and he was at 2 packs a day and he has cut back every week since we saw him and he is only at a quarter pack right now and plans on quitting within the next 2 or so weeks! 😃 powerful to see him grow! His kids even talk more about Christ! His wife is trying to get work off on Sunday's right now to
make it to church and we have only taught her a few times! The spirit is working full time at their home!!
We have a service project there with the young men's presidents group on Tuesday and we hope a lot more fellowshiping will happen!
Sad news is Chief Gilbert billy blue passed away the other day. We will be attending his funeral on Wednesday.
We bonded one night when we did a face mask! It was a blast! Loved it!
Love y'all so much please send some of he latest drams if your not busy I miss news! Love each one of you,
So this week we had zone meeting and the zone leaders did an outstanding job relying the message president wanted them to!
While we went to go pick the car up in Monroe we did service with those elders at the humanitarian habit place! Then had some Little Caesars. It was a good time so funny!
I posted a photo of a kid and us playing ball and I'm gonna give a shout out to dad for teaching me all the skills so I look like I'm descent at basketball! Hopefully we will see him tonight!
We took Chris on a church tour and he loved the church building and he expressed how he has felt that this is the only true church and that with his study of the Book Of Mormon he has come to know that it is the word of God! He has had issues with smoking and he was at 2 packs a day and he has cut back every week since we saw him and he is only at a quarter pack right now and plans on quitting within the next 2 or so weeks! 😃 powerful to see him grow! His kids even talk more about Christ! His wife is trying to get work off on Sunday's right now to
make it to church and we have only taught her a few times! The spirit is working full time at their home!!
We have a service project there with the young men's presidents group on Tuesday and we hope a lot more fellowshiping will happen!
Sad news is Chief Gilbert billy blue passed away the other day. We will be attending his funeral on Wednesday.
We bonded one night when we did a face mask! It was a blast! Loved it!
Love y'all so much please send some of he latest drams if your not busy I miss news! Love each one of you,
Saturday, June 25, 2016
7 times 70 (June 6, 2016)
Good night.
Story #1
Elder Everett is now my companion and I couldn't be more excited! He is from Alaska? Can you believe? Anchorage? Yeah he's legit! And he has 2 older brothers and a little sister! Their family and himself was born in STG and most of his family is from STG! And most of them live there!!
Story #2
The Coopers are on date!! Yay!! But it's in the later part of July so we're hoping they push it closer to earlier July so I can be there! But we're still very excited!
Story #3
Decided to make it to presidents fireside and so we invited this less active member who served here maybe 10 years ago and he's kinda lost his way so we went up there and after the meeting he decided he needed taco van tacos so we looked around for probably an hour and we told him we needed to be home but he continued to look so we just laughed it off and waited tell he took us home! It was funny I'll send a photo!! FYI I look super fat...... It's cause it's true.........
Story #4
Holly was asked to give the opening prayer at church and she said she had a dream where she was given the things she needed to say the night before and it was a powerful spiritual experience! She is doing really
good! And is still reading and working!!
Story #5
Rachel S.! She is a recent convert that made it to the temple and had such a powerful experience with doing baptism for her dead!!
So we got to do some pottery and I'll send a picture of the thing I made!!
Love you so much! Please let me know what I can do to help you!! When I say "you" I mean each one of you individually.
Story #1
Elder Everett is now my companion and I couldn't be more excited! He is from Alaska? Can you believe? Anchorage? Yeah he's legit! And he has 2 older brothers and a little sister! Their family and himself was born in STG and most of his family is from STG! And most of them live there!!
Story #2
The Coopers are on date!! Yay!! But it's in the later part of July so we're hoping they push it closer to earlier July so I can be there! But we're still very excited!
Story #3
Decided to make it to presidents fireside and so we invited this less active member who served here maybe 10 years ago and he's kinda lost his way so we went up there and after the meeting he decided he needed taco van tacos so we looked around for probably an hour and we told him we needed to be home but he continued to look so we just laughed it off and waited tell he took us home! It was funny I'll send a photo!! FYI I look super fat...... It's cause it's true.........
Story #4
Holly was asked to give the opening prayer at church and she said she had a dream where she was given the things she needed to say the night before and it was a powerful spiritual experience! She is doing really
good! And is still reading and working!!
Story #5
Rachel S.! She is a recent convert that made it to the temple and had such a powerful experience with doing baptism for her dead!!
So we got to do some pottery and I'll send a picture of the thing I made!!
Love you so much! Please let me know what I can do to help you!! When I say "you" I mean each one of you individually.
Beep Bop... Elder Nelson (May 30, 2016)
Yello my people! I bring happy news! I'm staying Catawba for another 6 weeks✈️ 😬
Okay so here's the week in a nut shell. I would like if you could close your eyes and imagine with me you are on one of those dreamy looking streets where there's trees on both side almost falling on top of you and imagine light mist of rain every where and then every person we talk to says "I'm good I got Jesus" or "I got to the baptist church down the street" after you just told them that no other church has the correct authority then ours..........
That's the week!!!
Jk I did beat an all time high of how many bottles of waters I drank this week it was 20, 16.9oz water bottles.😏.
Elder peterson is leaving to Burlington! And I get elder Everett from STG!!!
Chris is doing better for a minute we thought he was gonna pass but he pushed through! Now we got a service project at his house to show some ward love!!
After teaching some young kids I had to show them how us STG boys do it so I did a Backflip and their minds were blown!!
This is a picture of my desk,..
Last week on pday we went fishing and failed but it was a good time!!
Once again I leave my love with y'all I hope to hear from you this week it uplifts my day!! 😍😍😍😍
Okay so here's the week in a nut shell. I would like if you could close your eyes and imagine with me you are on one of those dreamy looking streets where there's trees on both side almost falling on top of you and imagine light mist of rain every where and then every person we talk to says "I'm good I got Jesus" or "I got to the baptist church down the street" after you just told them that no other church has the correct authority then ours..........
That's the week!!!
Jk I did beat an all time high of how many bottles of waters I drank this week it was 20, 16.9oz water bottles.😏.
Elder peterson is leaving to Burlington! And I get elder Everett from STG!!!
Chris is doing better for a minute we thought he was gonna pass but he pushed through! Now we got a service project at his house to show some ward love!!
After teaching some young kids I had to show them how us STG boys do it so I did a Backflip and their minds were blown!!
This is a picture of my desk,..
Last week on pday we went fishing and failed but it was a good time!!
Once again I leave my love with y'all I hope to hear from you this week it uplifts my day!! 😍😍😍😍
Elder Daniel Nelson 8 (May 23, 2016)
Hello my friends of the west!
Some nice things happened!
Early this week we had been waiting for he rain to stop and it finally did after like 3 or 4 days of raining so we hurried to go do some service at a members home on the Res! But the rain soon came back about a quarter of the way so we stopped at a members home, we were soaked! 🌧 and they let us in and we sat next to the fire for about an hour telling story's. That was fun and then the rain stopped so we hurried again and we didn't get soaked anymore that day! Yay!!
This member brother wurdamann told us of a story of when he converted to the church. His dad was very against the church and said we were crazy out west and that he would even pay for him to drive out there
and explore with his brother just to show him how crazy Mormons were!! Hahah so he did and he went with his brother and the very first campsite they went to they had some nice people next to them and come to find out it's a bishop of a ward! And his family had them stay with them the whole time they stayed there and they feed them until they continued on there journey! So they meet another bishop of a ward while at sacrament one Sunday and he invites him and his brother to stay the night and they feed them breakfast and what not! And then he
went to another sacrament and the service had already started so his brother and him ran in and set next to the first cute girls they could find and come to find out it was the bishops daughter and he stayed with that bishop and worked for him for the next 8 or so months until he could serve his mission! The Lord really does prepare his children to do the work!!
We had a lesson with the Cooper family at the bishops and bishop told a story of when he was on his mission. He was struggling and his mom knew so she sent a letter of a story of Hugh B. Brown and it goes like this:
In 1904, when I was 21 years old, I was called on a mission to England, and my mother accompanied me to the local railway station to tell me goodbye. Just before the train pulled out, she said, “Hugh, do you remember when you were a little boy and you often had nightmares? You’d wake up in the night and call out to me in the next room, ‘Mother, Mother, are you there?’ And I’d reply, ‘Yes, my boy, I’m
here. Everything’s all right, just turn over and go to sleep.’” Then she said, “You always did; you went right to sleep, and there was no more trouble. Now you’re going nearly 10,000 miles away. You’ll want to call to me, but I’ll not be able to hear you. There will be difficulties, and there will be nightmares in the daytime when your
eyes are wide open. There will also be worries and problems to plague you. “But I want you to understand that though I will not be able to hear you, someone will hear you. And if you’ll call out with the faith that you had when you were a little boy, if you’ll call out and say, ‘Father, are you there?’ I promise you, son, he’ll answer you. You may not hear his voice, you may not see his form, but he’ll answer you and you’ll receive comfort from the knowledge that he’s there and that he cares; and figuratively speaking, you’ll turn over and go to sleep no
matter what the situation may be.”
And bishop shared how he has done that and the room filled with the spirit and he said I know he's there! Really powerful!
So we helped this old lady fix an extension cord and she wanted us to put a male part on the female part side of the cord so we explained that it was gonna work but her old age was really playing hard with her so me and my companion laughed and just did what she wanted. After it was done we showed her and she still thought it was perfect so we said show us how your gonna use it and she showed us and we explained that it wasn't gonna work so she said it will just plug it into the wall so we did and then she realized that the other side wasn't gonna work so she had us put the other side in the wall and we did and she finally realized what was going on but it was hilarious!!!
Thanks for all you do and for those of you who wrote me... I'll be sending them out soon love you!!
Love elder Nelson.
Some nice things happened!
Early this week we had been waiting for he rain to stop and it finally did after like 3 or 4 days of raining so we hurried to go do some service at a members home on the Res! But the rain soon came back about a quarter of the way so we stopped at a members home, we were soaked! 🌧 and they let us in and we sat next to the fire for about an hour telling story's. That was fun and then the rain stopped so we hurried again and we didn't get soaked anymore that day! Yay!!
This member brother wurdamann told us of a story of when he converted to the church. His dad was very against the church and said we were crazy out west and that he would even pay for him to drive out there
and explore with his brother just to show him how crazy Mormons were!! Hahah so he did and he went with his brother and the very first campsite they went to they had some nice people next to them and come to find out it's a bishop of a ward! And his family had them stay with them the whole time they stayed there and they feed them until they continued on there journey! So they meet another bishop of a ward while at sacrament one Sunday and he invites him and his brother to stay the night and they feed them breakfast and what not! And then he
went to another sacrament and the service had already started so his brother and him ran in and set next to the first cute girls they could find and come to find out it was the bishops daughter and he stayed with that bishop and worked for him for the next 8 or so months until he could serve his mission! The Lord really does prepare his children to do the work!!
We had a lesson with the Cooper family at the bishops and bishop told a story of when he was on his mission. He was struggling and his mom knew so she sent a letter of a story of Hugh B. Brown and it goes like this:
In 1904, when I was 21 years old, I was called on a mission to England, and my mother accompanied me to the local railway station to tell me goodbye. Just before the train pulled out, she said, “Hugh, do you remember when you were a little boy and you often had nightmares? You’d wake up in the night and call out to me in the next room, ‘Mother, Mother, are you there?’ And I’d reply, ‘Yes, my boy, I’m
here. Everything’s all right, just turn over and go to sleep.’” Then she said, “You always did; you went right to sleep, and there was no more trouble. Now you’re going nearly 10,000 miles away. You’ll want to call to me, but I’ll not be able to hear you. There will be difficulties, and there will be nightmares in the daytime when your
eyes are wide open. There will also be worries and problems to plague you. “But I want you to understand that though I will not be able to hear you, someone will hear you. And if you’ll call out with the faith that you had when you were a little boy, if you’ll call out and say, ‘Father, are you there?’ I promise you, son, he’ll answer you. You may not hear his voice, you may not see his form, but he’ll answer you and you’ll receive comfort from the knowledge that he’s there and that he cares; and figuratively speaking, you’ll turn over and go to sleep no
matter what the situation may be.”
And bishop shared how he has done that and the room filled with the spirit and he said I know he's there! Really powerful!
So we helped this old lady fix an extension cord and she wanted us to put a male part on the female part side of the cord so we explained that it was gonna work but her old age was really playing hard with her so me and my companion laughed and just did what she wanted. After it was done we showed her and she still thought it was perfect so we said show us how your gonna use it and she showed us and we explained that it wasn't gonna work so she said it will just plug it into the wall so we did and then she realized that the other side wasn't gonna work so she had us put the other side in the wall and we did and she finally realized what was going on but it was hilarious!!!
Thanks for all you do and for those of you who wrote me... I'll be sending them out soon love you!!
Love elder Nelson.
Elder Daniel Nelson 7 (May 16, 2016)
Thanks again for reading my weekly email! I'm getting pretty dry on jokes and story's but I'll give it my best!
We had a powerful lesson with Chris this week he has read up to chapter 7 in the first book of Nephi! He loves it and has real intent and study's it better then I do! He knows this will change his life he just struggles with some things from serving in the army but he's getting better!
I went to Monroe for a couple days on exchange and learned a lot! We talked with this man he basically tried to lay into us about our religion and come to find out we stumped him with the question "do you
believe every person is a child of God?" It's amazing what goes through people's minds when they think about this... is amazing how simple yet how powerful the doctrine of every person on earth being a
child of the Most High, our Heavenly Father! These people have missed the big picture!!
Had zone conference and it was powerful! Our president really knows how to teach... he is a powerful teacher and I learn so much from his skills!! We hear a story from his wife about how he magnifies his calling when
he was called as a ward employment specialist he was devastated. He never wanted that calling, but he took it and got every person in that ward a job! Then he got called to be the stake employment specialist!
Haha he was devastated, but worked hard and every person in the stake had a job but one so he hired him! Great story and also we talked about how repentance is one of the most important things our investigators need to do, they won't feel the power of the atonement (Christ suffering and death and resurrection) unless they repent and feel godly sorrow!
I love each one of you! My heart swells when I think of the love Christ has for you!!
God bless! Love you!
Thanks again for reading my weekly email! I'm getting pretty dry on jokes and story's but I'll give it my best!
We had a powerful lesson with Chris this week he has read up to chapter 7 in the first book of Nephi! He loves it and has real intent and study's it better then I do! He knows this will change his life he just struggles with some things from serving in the army but he's getting better!
I went to Monroe for a couple days on exchange and learned a lot! We talked with this man he basically tried to lay into us about our religion and come to find out we stumped him with the question "do you
believe every person is a child of God?" It's amazing what goes through people's minds when they think about this... is amazing how simple yet how powerful the doctrine of every person on earth being a
child of the Most High, our Heavenly Father! These people have missed the big picture!!
Had zone conference and it was powerful! Our president really knows how to teach... he is a powerful teacher and I learn so much from his skills!! We hear a story from his wife about how he magnifies his calling when
he was called as a ward employment specialist he was devastated. He never wanted that calling, but he took it and got every person in that ward a job! Then he got called to be the stake employment specialist!
Haha he was devastated, but worked hard and every person in the stake had a job but one so he hired him! Great story and also we talked about how repentance is one of the most important things our investigators need to do, they won't feel the power of the atonement (Christ suffering and death and resurrection) unless they repent and feel godly sorrow!
I love each one of you! My heart swells when I think of the love Christ has for you!!
God bless! Love you!
Elder Daniel Nelson 6 (May 9, 2016)
Hello my peeps!
Exciting, this week starts with a good ole famished pday! It was full of pottery making and other fun stuff!
Get this miracle story - so on fast Sunday we fasted for more elect people to teach and be ready for baptism and on Monday morning we get a refferal from California. We call her and she says I have a good friend who lives out there and he wants to hear the gospel and is so prepared! So on Tuesday we went and saw him and he was so ready loves it and wanted to be baptized on June 22!!! We're pumped to help him... he has a few habits he will have to cut but he will!!
The next day a part member family we have been working with messaged us and said she was ready to be baptized!!!!!! We're so excited it's glowing from our faces!!!
We had lunch at Hardee's and it had destroyed my entire lower part of my body if you know what I mean 😕💩 but it's all good were living the dream now!
We helped out the older people here in the tribe set up a event to sell pottery and other things so they can live off! Some of the pottery was in the 3- 4 hundreds area it was crazy!!!
Had a really spiritual experience with my family over the computer yesterday for Mother's Day and I just want to give a shout out to her (my mom). I love her and she's really the best!! Love you mom!!!
I love you all please write back with questions for my next weeks email!
Love you!
Exciting, this week starts with a good ole famished pday! It was full of pottery making and other fun stuff!
Get this miracle story - so on fast Sunday we fasted for more elect people to teach and be ready for baptism and on Monday morning we get a refferal from California. We call her and she says I have a good friend who lives out there and he wants to hear the gospel and is so prepared! So on Tuesday we went and saw him and he was so ready loves it and wanted to be baptized on June 22!!! We're pumped to help him... he has a few habits he will have to cut but he will!!
The next day a part member family we have been working with messaged us and said she was ready to be baptized!!!!!! We're so excited it's glowing from our faces!!!
We had lunch at Hardee's and it had destroyed my entire lower part of my body if you know what I mean 😕💩 but it's all good were living the dream now!
We helped out the older people here in the tribe set up a event to sell pottery and other things so they can live off! Some of the pottery was in the 3- 4 hundreds area it was crazy!!!
Had a really spiritual experience with my family over the computer yesterday for Mother's Day and I just want to give a shout out to her (my mom). I love her and she's really the best!! Love you mom!!!
I love you all please write back with questions for my next weeks email!
Love you!
Elder Daniel Nelson 5. (May 2, 2016)
After we worked hard all day and didn't find anyone we were walking and this guy stopped us and said I'm looking for truth and we had a very powerful lesson with him! It felt good to know God is preparing those that will receive him!!!!
It rained pretty hard while we were out and I could hardly drive the car doing like 10 miles an hour and we came up on this huge puddle thing and all these people would drive into it a little then back out cause they were scared they would lose there car and it would disappear or something it was fun!!!
Nothing crazy a lot of people couldn't make it to church cause the rain was so crazy so a lot of people ended up not making it so we all had to bear our testimony because there was a lot of time and the usual testimony bearers didn't make it! So I got to and it felt good bishop didn't fire me so were good!!!!!!
Love you all thanks for the letters the mean a lot! Let me know what I can do to help!
My testimony -I believe that through obedience to Him ☝️🙌 we can return to live with him again!
After we worked hard all day and didn't find anyone we were walking and this guy stopped us and said I'm looking for truth and we had a very powerful lesson with him! It felt good to know God is preparing those that will receive him!!!!
It rained pretty hard while we were out and I could hardly drive the car doing like 10 miles an hour and we came up on this huge puddle thing and all these people would drive into it a little then back out cause they were scared they would lose there car and it would disappear or something it was fun!!!
Nothing crazy a lot of people couldn't make it to church cause the rain was so crazy so a lot of people ended up not making it so we all had to bear our testimony because there was a lot of time and the usual testimony bearers didn't make it! So I got to and it felt good bishop didn't fire me so were good!!!!!!
Love you all thanks for the letters the mean a lot! Let me know what I can do to help!
My testimony -I believe that through obedience to Him ☝️🙌 we can return to live with him again!
Elder Daniel Nelson 4 (April 25, 2016)
What a week!
Couple funny things happend!
1. We met this guy that thought we were the cops and almost lost his mind then after he found out we weren't he said come in look I have a kid? And then pushed us back out front?? Funny huh?
2. While speaking with this man he said he didn't think we are all children of God! And that was a fun bash totally won and felt great cause we confounded him! Yay! We don't do that a lot don't worry I was just pumped when the promise came true which says I will give you in the very moment the words you will need! 🙏
But we had this great lesson with this man named Eric and he asked why we came on a mission? And I shared with him how I thought it was one of the only ways I could change my life and I know that is one
reason why I am serving to not only change other lives but my own as well! I'm grateful for it!
Well i felt weird this week like I wasn't doing something right and then I realized that I haven't been praying each morning so I changed that and I feel so much better it's pretty neat! ✋
After district meeting we asked a member if we could eat at his house and he was down so we made tomato sandwiches... Dukes with salt and pepper and bread with a fatty tomato piece in the middle! It was pretty good I liked it! But then he cooked up fried okra??!!
I went to my first seminary class ever in my life! Yay I'll send a photo it was really fun and interesting!
Well I love you all and am thankful for the many wishes and letters I hope to return all letters! Keep me accountable! Love you!!
Couple funny things happend!
1. We met this guy that thought we were the cops and almost lost his mind then after he found out we weren't he said come in look I have a kid? And then pushed us back out front?? Funny huh?
2. While speaking with this man he said he didn't think we are all children of God! And that was a fun bash totally won and felt great cause we confounded him! Yay! We don't do that a lot don't worry I was just pumped when the promise came true which says I will give you in the very moment the words you will need! 🙏
But we had this great lesson with this man named Eric and he asked why we came on a mission? And I shared with him how I thought it was one of the only ways I could change my life and I know that is one
reason why I am serving to not only change other lives but my own as well! I'm grateful for it!
Well i felt weird this week like I wasn't doing something right and then I realized that I haven't been praying each morning so I changed that and I feel so much better it's pretty neat! ✋
After district meeting we asked a member if we could eat at his house and he was down so we made tomato sandwiches... Dukes with salt and pepper and bread with a fatty tomato piece in the middle! It was pretty good I liked it! But then he cooked up fried okra??!!
I went to my first seminary class ever in my life! Yay I'll send a photo it was really fun and interesting!
Well I love you all and am thankful for the many wishes and letters I hope to return all letters! Keep me accountable! Love you!!
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Sunday, April 24, 2016
Elder Nelson (April 18, 2016)
Here's the week in a nut shell:
We went finding -we taught hopefully by the spirit - we tried to baptized! #ballsohard!
Me and Elder Peterson will be here in Catawba for another 6 weeks together! He is from Twin Falls, Idaho. He has a twin and has one older brother and another set of twins beneath him! No other news!
Elder Zwick came to our mission and that man is a truely inspired man! Love him! We learned so much! He was called into the seventy in 95. He served as a mission president 2 times and is fantastic!
This picture is of a friends child in a past area! His name is Ben!
Love you all so much! Let me know if you have any questions!
We went finding -we taught hopefully by the spirit - we tried to baptized! #ballsohard!
Me and Elder Peterson will be here in Catawba for another 6 weeks together! He is from Twin Falls, Idaho. He has a twin and has one older brother and another set of twins beneath him! No other news!
Elder Zwick came to our mission and that man is a truely inspired man! Love him! We learned so much! He was called into the seventy in 95. He served as a mission president 2 times and is fantastic!
This picture is of a friends child in a past area! His name is Ben!
Love you all so much! Let me know if you have any questions!
Elder Nelson (April 4, 2016)
My glorious week!!'
So Holly is getting baptized this weekend! I'm so excited for her! She is on fire and loves reading. Also, a part member family in my last ward had their baby and he's so cute. I'll try to send a photo!
This week we got a hacky sack? And played on pday and it's pretty fun! Also, went on an exchange with Elder Rounds this last week and he's an exciting kid.
While walking on the reservation we started off with one dog and then dogs came from everywhere and joined our pack. By the end there was so many dogs I was so scared I was gonna be killed by them, but I guess all you have to do is yell "go home" and they turned right around and left. It was pretty neat!!!
While playing with the hacky sack before General Conference started
the second time I accidentally kicked it on top of the church building😱 so Elder Peterson got on my shoulders as I tried to squat him. I forgot all the teachings of my mother and thrusted my knees up
then pulled my back up from a bad position and completely destroyed my back. While doing this I had thrown my companion off and he had landed on his back and we both laughed in pain for a good minute or so😂😂😂😂.
Thanks again for listening to my message. I love you all and hope we can share the gospel in many ways this week!!!
I love this song.
3. I am a child of God.
Rich blessings are in store;
If I but learn to do his will
I’ll live with him once more.
Lead me, guide me, walk beside me,
Help me find the way.
Teach me all that I must do
To live with him someday.
So Holly is getting baptized this weekend! I'm so excited for her! She is on fire and loves reading. Also, a part member family in my last ward had their baby and he's so cute. I'll try to send a photo!
This week we got a hacky sack? And played on pday and it's pretty fun! Also, went on an exchange with Elder Rounds this last week and he's an exciting kid.
While walking on the reservation we started off with one dog and then dogs came from everywhere and joined our pack. By the end there was so many dogs I was so scared I was gonna be killed by them, but I guess all you have to do is yell "go home" and they turned right around and left. It was pretty neat!!!
While playing with the hacky sack before General Conference started
the second time I accidentally kicked it on top of the church building😱 so Elder Peterson got on my shoulders as I tried to squat him. I forgot all the teachings of my mother and thrusted my knees up
then pulled my back up from a bad position and completely destroyed my back. While doing this I had thrown my companion off and he had landed on his back and we both laughed in pain for a good minute or so😂😂😂😂.
Thanks again for listening to my message. I love you all and hope we can share the gospel in many ways this week!!!
I love this song.
3. I am a child of God.
Rich blessings are in store;
If I but learn to do his will
I’ll live with him once more.
Lead me, guide me, walk beside me,
Help me find the way.
Teach me all that I must do
To live with him someday.
Elder Nelson's Email (March 28, 2016)
My weekly email to those I love.
Here I am siting in my new apartment....
So this week has been full of exciting movements. First, we finally moved into our own place and it was fun. We got most of the missions office staff here and some elders from up the way. Then, after the move we helped some members with a move and some gardening -it was fun.
We met with Holly and we asked how this time was different from the last time she met with missionary's and she said it just feels right and she is loving it! She made it to church and so we're excited to see her baptized after General Conference! She is on fire -we love her!
There's this guy somewhere that says some funny stuff and he's from Jersey or something so I quote him a lot -but the other day in a Sunday School class we had the Stake Presidency teach us and one was teaching about
hope and while he did this man probably said, and I quote, "I think that's where the faith comes in" 5 to 5 times during that hour block. It was hilarious! I'm not kidding! I can't get over how funny that was to me!!!
Nothing too now - we're in a small apartment!
Thanks for all the support and love we love you!
Here I am siting in my new apartment....
So this week has been full of exciting movements. First, we finally moved into our own place and it was fun. We got most of the missions office staff here and some elders from up the way. Then, after the move we helped some members with a move and some gardening -it was fun.
We met with Holly and we asked how this time was different from the last time she met with missionary's and she said it just feels right and she is loving it! She made it to church and so we're excited to see her baptized after General Conference! She is on fire -we love her!
There's this guy somewhere that says some funny stuff and he's from Jersey or something so I quote him a lot -but the other day in a Sunday School class we had the Stake Presidency teach us and one was teaching about
hope and while he did this man probably said, and I quote, "I think that's where the faith comes in" 5 to 5 times during that hour block. It was hilarious! I'm not kidding! I can't get over how funny that was to me!!!
Nothing too now - we're in a small apartment!
Thanks for all the support and love we love you!
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